"The Land of the Rising Sun"

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Travel Outline

Danee' Lundy

Tentative Agenda for my trip to Tokyo, Japan.
  1. I plan to visit Tokyo (capital), Japan for one week the first week of November this year. November is one of the best months to travel to Japan, the weather is dry and mild and airfares are low. The maximum temperature around this time is 17c (62F), and the minimum temperature is 10c (49F). I am a Florida naitive and the weather this time of year seems a bit colder than I prefer. I will need to pack warm comfortable clothes for day travel. I will schedule majority of my activities and sightseeing tours for the day time when the weather is warmer. May have to spend fewer nights hanging out at the Skinjuku.
  2. Airfare ranging from $1,336 (United/Continental Airlines) to $8,000 (Korean Airlines). I would select United or Continental Airlines to fly to Tokyo; since the prices are very resonable. My budget per day will be $100 US dollars for hotel and travel. I plan to purchase a 7-day unlimited metro day pass or I can take a taxi, bus, or train.
  3. The language in Tokyo, Japan is Japanese. Here are some common phrases I should learn.
I’m sorry; I can’t speak Japanese--Gomen nasai, nihongo wa dekimasen
    • Good morning: ohayo gozaimasu   Good Afternoon: Konnichiwa
    • Good night: Kombanwa            bank: ginko 
    • My name is....: watashi wa. desu
    • Please: onegai shimasu      thank you: do itashimashite
    • excuse me: sumimasen       yes: hai   bus: shibasu             
    • train:densha     taxi:takushi    Hotel:hoteru        
  1. Places to visit in Tokyo: 
    1. Tokyo Disney, cant wait to see if its anything like our disney in the US
    2. Day trip to Kamakura to see the old town that's filled with temples and shrines.
    3. Sensoji temple, Imperial Palace, and Skinjuku at night to see the night life, and Mount Fuji

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